Daewoo International

The project

The website for Daewoo International was a digital catalogue that was mainly intended for distributors, intended to show all the specifications of the products. Another main target was to have a specific form for the technical support that was complete and easy to understand.

The website had to load fast and we had to use a simple, intuitive editor that would make future changes easier. We also had to consider the mobile first requirement to ensure better visibility and compatibility with all devices.

Web creativity and photography

Icònica Gràfica Creativa was in charge of the website design and took the photos of the products that were optimised for display on the website. They also created all the icons to illustrate the range of products and the references for each of them.

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The result

  • We designed a website that followed useability criteria for computers as well as mobiles, even in terms of the photos.
  • We made a self-managed website using a system based on a visual compiler.
  • We programmed a form specifically for the after-sales service that allows users to enter all the information that Daewoo International needs to help the customer solve the problem, making it easier for them to respond.
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"Intuix has become an essential partner for our studio. We have been able to develop a number of projects with them and their commitment has been complete from day one. They offer full commitment to finding the best solution for the project and every detail within it, to ensure that users enjoy the best possible experience. But above all, theirs is a full commitment to team work and to achieving the main goal: satisfying our customers."
Marc Andrés i Llibre
Founder and creative director of Icònica

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